Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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The Hour Gallery > Posts tagged "京都"

Kyoto 京都 Pre-Wedding

通常京都pre wedding,大家一定諗起和服加櫻花,但今次我地影Angie and Calvin就冇呢d元素,一來櫻花季節四周都人山人海,二來我地想casual一點,我地5月頭影,雖然都有d遊客,但比起櫻花季真係少好多,影得都好自在呢,希望有更多客人喜歡沒有櫻花和服的京都婚照 :) makeup by Karrie Yum Makeup ...