Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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Brenda & Calvin Bigday

Brenda N Calvin Wedding 多謝Brenda 揀我地做你PHOTOG 對於我地既絕對信任 將你地最重要既MOMENT 交俾我地 由PREWEDDING 到WEDDING DAY 都已經有一定既默契, 可以玩得更開心更投入 全日既氣氛都充滿住笑聲同埋淚水 經過當日終於都明白到點解DADDY 全日都好唔捨得囡囡咁 原來背後既故事係咁感動 是的。。我地又上左一課 真係"好多野都唔係必然,惜現在擁有既野" Thank For Choosing Us By Jeff -------------------------- www.thehourgallery.com   Photographer: Jeff @Thehourgallery Videographer: Dino@ REC - dino W video MakeupandHairdo: Red Bean Workshop Venue: Kerry Hotel ...