Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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The Hour Gallery > Posts tagged "maternity"

Mian & Terry Maternity

話說係一個Wedding 度見到中同係精神既 我地都係如常做下D 基本野問下大家近況 傾傾下得知佢好靚既太太有左 我都忍唔住講句 "我真你恭喜你呀" 佢好禮貌咁當晚就介紹左我識 哈哈 仲話會揾我影大肚相 我當然話好啦 之後我都好循例咁問架啦 你可以叫太太睇下我地既相先呀 因為我唔知佢鍾唔鍾意 都隔左成個幾星期都無回覆 我都以為無左件事 點知有一日收到梁永WhatsApp 話想Join 我地 最緊要係連價錢都未問就話影(Sale 下先其實我地好抵玩架) 超超超超開心 多謝你同太太既信任同埋欣賞我地 同舊朋友一齊影相係開心既 廢話完 祝BB 聽聽話話身體健康 媽媽就繼續靚爸爸就繼續型呀:) ------------------------- MakeupAndHairDo: Cherry @Glamzor.makeup studio   ...

Gigi & Sin Maternity

GiGi & SIN   如果有留意開我地既朋友仔,我諗都覺得黎個靚媽媽熟口熟面架啦:) 係。。佢地由PREWEDDING,BIGDAY到現在大肚我地都有份影架 非常開心係佢地每一個人生重要階段都會諗起我地,好榮幸成為佢地既攝影師。 好呀,我地又一齊黎睇相呀:)   ...