Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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Stephanie Lee 李芷晴

Post D 開心野先好鍾意同開心既人一齊做野聞說正能量係會感染到俾身邊既人架一齊睇下 Stephanie Lee 李芷晴 幾咁kai先認同既請分享🤪🤪 ------------------www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgallery Photog: The Hour Gallerymakeupandhairdo: @yumimua Yumi's makeup & hairVideo: Bridge ProductionWedding gown: VoilafashionhkModel: Stephanie Lee 李芷晴 https://youtu.be/NLg_JYDrHjM ...