Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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The Hour Gallery > Articles posted by thehourgallery (Page 8)

Chi Chi Styled Shoot

廢話Mode On如果唔想睇可以直Skip去睇片話說想影下雀班既女仔同Partner 傾下傾下就定左個呢個主題出黎講真壓力是很大因為今次既主角係Wedding 呢一行我諗佢識起碼 8 乘既人者係影完會有好多人會睇到諗起都驚驚驚乜?驚影得唔好 驚太行貨 乜都驚一餐其實好鍾意度身訂造一個呢D Shooting由前期一齊傾想要D 咩Styling 等等既野試唔同既新野 (因為有D 野試完係唔Work 的)好多野都係Try And Error (長Loop )今次好多野都好順利咁完成效果仲要好好呀 By Jeff ---------------------------------www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgallery Photog: The Hour GalleryVideo: 文氏影像 MANFOSet up & Styling: Make Your Choicesss Floral LabMakeup: @chi.snowy.makeup @ Chichi Makeup & StylingHair : @chi.joanne.makeup @ Chichi Makeup & StylingNail: @nailtime.official.hkIn frame: Chichi Wu Chi Chi. https://youtu.be/3FihMHYtbMs ...

Dance is the hidden language of the soul – kill them with kindness

In this ballet-inspired fashion-led shoot, the bride transformed from the innocent white swan to a mature, astute, and sentimental black swan, radiating the aroma of sophistication and shrewdness. The transformation did not make her less kind in soul, but instead she learns the power of silence and the beauty of expressing emotions and kindness through her hysterical dance moves and more subtle acts. A girl does not always have to be sweet and cute to be kind, one can be kind and be cool about it - that’s...

Kelly N TF Wedding

終於終於終於完成使命由求婚到沖繩PreWedding到今日Wedding Day由我一手包晒 基本上重最要既Moment 交晒俾我地每次我地都係盡我 200 %力去做( 唔好成日睇我個樣好似未訓醒咁)為既都係希望你地每一個收到相會記得當下既Moment真心好大壓力 (因為佢地要求唔係一般地高)家陣可以鬆一口氣落黎多謝你地既絕對信任我都好想大嗌 "媽我得左啦"因為已經去到好熟既關係全日都好好玩好多好多好多畫面Check this Out!!!By Jeff ----------------www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgallery video: REC - dino W videoVenue: W.Hotels.HK ...

Flora N WheIan Wedding

FloraNWheIan同佢地傾Rundown 前Flora 同我地講證婚係 7 點Outdoor佢地好搶心影出黎既相會好黑但係其實難唔到我地架出黎既效果好靚呀 :)當日無傳統既著褂其實好鍾意西式既Wedding因為可以輕鬆D 唔需要趕吉時可以多D 時間Enjoy 自已既Wedding 影多D 相 By Jeff ----------------www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgallerymakeupandhairdo: IrischoymakeupWeddingGown: Mariée Bridal CoutureSuit: 80’s Bespokedeco: 花‧時間 Plant Some TimeVenue: Kerry Hotel Hong Kong ...

Shadow & Kien Wedding Day

香港與新加坡相距2591公里,但他們之間並沒有距離,只有愛情。 願天下有情人,在這逆境中繼續相依相伴、甜蜜快樂 <3 —————————- www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgallery Photographer: The Hour GalleryMakeup artist: Moe'sDresses: Miss Bride Wedding Shop / Run For The DreamBand: 嘆佬 No TimeDecoration: Once Wedding DecorationVideo: Journal BookVenue: Cordis, Hong Kong 香港康得思酒店 ...