Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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The Hour Gallery > Posts tagged "hkprewedding" (Page 3)

Crystal & Shawn PreWedding

Crystal & Shawn Prewedding 收到舊客戶既Refer 係特別開心Crystal 係上年其中一個 Wedding 既姊妹 好開心佢會搵我地影PreWedding 同堆Wedding Day :)今次Shooting 好開心呀佢地兩個好Sweet 係澳洲返黎影Prewedding 都買左手信俾我地仲要係Crystal 自家整既蜂蜜蛋糕真係好好好好食呀!!!!多謝你欣賞我地:)我地Bigday 見啦 Makeupandhairdo: Cherry @ glamzor.makeup studio ...

Kiu & Chin Studio PreWedding

Studio PreWedding --- 我地主要都係Focus 返係人上面 無花巧既構圖,主角係真真正正你地自己 簡單既眼神,笑容已經成為左成張相既主體 想係PreWedding 入面加入自己既原素 當然無問題啦:) 係Casual Wear 一Part 係可以你地做返自己 做一D平時拍拖會做既野 好似Kiu 同埋Chin 咁 佢地話想食雞 Why Not? 無野係唔得既 買桶KFC 上黎一路影一路食亦得 -------------------------- www.thehourgallery.com MakeupandHairDo: Cherry @ Karrieyum Makeup   ...