Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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Wedding Day of Foley and Robert

Foley 同 Robert 係我既PREWEDDING 同埋WEDDING DAY 客黎架 之前都有寫佢地既一篇BLOG 想重溫既可以去黎條LINK 睇下呀:) https://www.thehourgallery.com/pre-wedding/studio-pre-wedding-foley-and-robert/ 係影PREWEDDING 既時候已經感受到佢地同其他COUPLE 有D 吾同架啦。。 佢地當中既交流真係好正。。 係見佢地既時候。我最記得既一句係。。你淨係影我影得靚就得架啦。。同埋最緊要係下午草地証婚。。我最著緊係黎一PART。。其他野吾洗理架。。 草地+靚光線條+靚COUPLE+ THEHOURGALLY,當然係會有靚相啦:) 夜晚仲要ROBERT 有表演自彈自唱,好正,恭喜"李太太" P。S。 我地都係睇相啦 Video: WOODY STORYTELLING Venue: Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel 香港黃金海岸酒店 ...

Wedding Day of Viann and Dennis

Viann 同 Dennis 一對非常sweet 既couple, 佢地搵我地已經大約係一年前啦。 個陣時我地相既樣板吾多,又未去過個個地方影,但佢地已經好快就confirm 我地,超多謝佢地咁信任我地呀。 到臨近Wedding 再接觸Viann,傾rundown 先發覺佢為自己婚禮籌備左好多細節野。例如有禮物送俾姊妹啦,吾玩老套遊戲,取而代之既係同姊妹們開香檳飲杯。著重同每位姊妹enjoy 每一個moment 。 到証婚我地去左Crown Wine Cellars,亦都係我地團隊第一次去既地方。 玻璃小屋加酒窖,再加埋有個小樹林,真係好靚。 全日都充滿住笑聲同埋淚水, 當日我地拍低左好多珍貴同得意既相片。 多謝Viann,好多野真係盡在不言中,好多謝你一直以黎既支持,係不知不覺間成為左朋友。希望黎緊日後會有機會幫你影大肚相呀 P.S. 文字既野,我真係吾太在行,大家都係睇相啦 ...

Hiulam and Simon’s Wedding at The Mira

what a happy wedding day with joy and tears! as a hong kong wedding photographer, we all know how tight the schedule on the big day is, chinese tea ceremony combine with western wedding ceremony, our job is to shoot as many good photo as possible in this limited time frame! thanks for trusting us! makeup artist: Yvonne at Anna Creation hotel: The Mira videography: Tart Video ...