B N Jo PreWedding
感謝團隊協助成就左今次Shooting 除左多謝都係多謝 感恩一直遇上每一位既你地 請自行對號入座一直還在堅持的人上 —————- www.instagram.com/thehourgallery www.thehourgallery.comhttps://mewe.com/p/thehourgallery Photog: @thehourgalleryMua: 阿歷@metime.official.hk 阿歷@stylemybride@nicolepoon123Video: @manfo_luismanGown: @tickledpinkbridalhkAccessories: @madeofpearlhkEyelansh: @the_liniaNail art: @netime.official.hkBride: 郭保瑩 https://youtu.be/15yrMu8OTto ...
There is a Rainbow in Dark
好彩可以係限聚令生效前影到之前Post過幾張相收到好多DM 都話好靚好鍾意我地都好鍾意呀呢次Shooting 真係晒辛苦大家全日雨中作戰真係唔係一件易事Day1 同SamSam 傾既時候個Idea 都仲未係好出我只係同佢講想影Outdoor咁岩個陣時又睇緊D Pantone 配色黑金都幾有型幾靚WOR大家再傾下就有呢個題材出左黎好多謝各Talent 既隊友既Support真心如果唔係大家一齊同我癲根本唔會出到呢輯相Thank For Having Me!!! By Jeff ----------------------www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgallery Photography : The Hour GalleryVideography : 文氏影像 MANFOMakeup: Karrie yum makeupGown: Victor Chan StudioFloral: Make Your Choicesss Floral LabModel: 鍾天語 Sophia https://youtu.be/sbUnT9NiEGo ...
Chi Chi Styled Shoot
廢話Mode On如果唔想睇可以直Skip去睇片話說想影下雀班既女仔同Partner 傾下傾下就定左個呢個主題出黎講真壓力是很大因為今次既主角係Wedding 呢一行我諗佢識起碼 8 乘既人者係影完會有好多人會睇到諗起都驚驚驚乜?驚影得唔好 驚太行貨 乜都驚一餐其實好鍾意度身訂造一個呢D Shooting由前期一齊傾想要D 咩Styling 等等既野試唔同既新野 (因為有D 野試完係唔Work 的)好多野都係Try And Error (長Loop )今次好多野都好順利咁完成效果仲要好好呀 By Jeff ---------------------------------www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgallery Photog: The Hour GalleryVideo: 文氏影像 MANFOSet up & Styling: Make Your Choicesss Floral LabMakeup: @chi.snowy.makeup @ Chichi Makeup & StylingHair : @chi.joanne.makeup @ Chichi Makeup & StylingNail: @nailtime.official.hkIn frame: Chichi Wu Chi Chi. https://youtu.be/3FihMHYtbMs ...
Dance is the hidden language of the soul – kill them with kindness
In this ballet-inspired fashion-led shoot, the bride transformed from the innocent white swan to a mature, astute, and sentimental black swan, radiating the aroma of sophistication and shrewdness. The transformation did not make her less kind in soul, but instead she learns the power of silence and the beauty of expressing emotions and kindness through her hysterical dance moves and more subtle acts. A girl does not always have to be sweet and cute to be kind, one can be kind and be cool about it - that’s...
When leather comes with flowers, masculine yet elegant.
When leather comes with flowers, masculine yet elegant. Samantha係一次機緣巧合既情況識到佢第一次見面既時候覺得呢個女仔好斯文同時又好有型深入認識之後 原來佢係一個花藝師同埋皮藝師仲係 Wedfolks-Co-founder OMG 文武雙全既一位女生 其實不時我地都會影一D Styled Shoot 有一次同化妝師傾開我地又唔想影 Bridal 野不如影D 型得黎又有意思既野 一直好想用影像去表達1 D野突然間叮一聲"不如搵Samantha 影下佢既故事呀 " 前後夾左唔夠1 個月 就成就左今次既StyledShoot 影之前好緊張好緊張 (其實我每次Shooting 都好緊張)由 0 到Final 原來好有成功感 初步構思 - MoodBroad - 準備 - Shooting - Editing Thank For Having Me更加唔少得既當然係其它神隊友啦 寫字真係唔係我地強項 大家都係睇相啦:) By Jeff -----------------www.thehourgallery.com Photography: @thehourgallery Videography: @manfo_luisman Makeup and Hair: @Soniaomakeup Outfit: @infinilovebridal Accessory: @Norahsdesign Floral decoration: @makeyourchoicesss_floralab Leather hair accessory: @makeyourchoicesss Leather shoes: @simpleunion In frame: @samanthalwsss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgbFRyV1rU0 BTS Video ...