Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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Studio Pre‑wedding 室內婚攝指南


Doris N Jay PreWedding

第一次影行山主題既PreWedding 感覺好新鮮好正 行毅行者而識到現在既另一半真係少D 毅力都未必做到 女方聲稱係大帽山之神撞邪 (AKA 感情萌芽)唔係唔上返黎大帽山影呀一去到已經係咁Load 左個廣告出黎行山黎講最緊要係咩 收到收唔到 唔係講彩數呀 影相當日燃點返我當年既行山跑山既片段而最Sad 既係我地永遠都係全男團係"全""男""班"!!!!! ---------------- www.instagram.com/thehourgallery www.thehourgallery.comhttps://mewe.com/p/thehourgallery ...

Bonnie Bridal Portrait

都分享下我地既諗法呀淺談StyledShoot一直以黎都好鍾意做StyledShoot一來可以同唔同Vendor 夾下睇下會唔會有新火花二來多數都係想表達1D 野例如 其實咁樣著OR 咁樣襯都OK WOR因為有時同新人們講無圖佢地是Picture唔到的正所謂無圖無真相我地一直都幻想緊其實Wedding Gown 都可以襯Boot不過唔係主流野未必個個都OK但係我想話咁樣襯一樣可以好有型WeddingGown 唔一定要襯高跟鞋的其實係外國咁樣既襯法都興左好耐唔知你地又覺得點呢鍾意既可以留下言呀 :)BY Jeff ------------------www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgallery Photog: The Hour GalleryMakeup: AnnaCreation Bridal @IVYCHAN_MAKEUP_ @IVYANNACREATIONHair: AnnaCreation Bridal Yvonne YuenVideo: Bridge ProductionWedding Gown: BRIDE SWEET WeddingFloral: @bunny_gardenAsseccory: Untitled studioIn Frame: @BONNIELAU122 https://youtu.be/N9y7DY8LwZg ...