Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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Kalinda N Dennis Wedding

神父說: 20人婚禮同200人婚禮一樣咁隆重一樣咁嚴肅 只不過少咗一份熱鬧 神父亦問: 20人婚禮會唔會減少你地對方既愛 200人又會唔會增加你地對方既愛 核心問題係你地兩個一齊打既呢場仗同埋兩個人之間的愛 揭完頭紗錫完神父再問今次問我: 你地影唔影到呀 我答: 影到呀 神父答: 你應該答影唔到呀嗎 點解會答影到 下次你要醒目D 點解玩鬼我 點答都GG Thank For Having Me —————- www.instagram.com/thehourgallery www.thehourgallery.comhttps://mewe.com/p/thehourgallery Mua: IrischoymakeupVideo: REC - dino W videoWedding Gown: Delight Moment BridalChurch: St. Margaret's Church - Happy Valley, HK ...

Kelly N TF Wedding

終於終於終於完成使命由求婚到沖繩PreWedding到今日Wedding Day由我一手包晒 基本上重最要既Moment 交晒俾我地每次我地都係盡我 200 %力去做( 唔好成日睇我個樣好似未訓醒咁)為既都係希望你地每一個收到相會記得當下既Moment真心好大壓力 (因為佢地要求唔係一般地高)家陣可以鬆一口氣落黎多謝你地既絕對信任我都好想大嗌 "媽我得左啦"因為已經去到好熟既關係全日都好好玩好多好多好多畫面Check this Out!!!By Jeff ----------------www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgallery video: REC - dino W videoVenue: W.Hotels.HK ...