Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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The Hour Gallery > Posts tagged "wedding"

Quennie & Jacky Wedding Day

Queenie & Jacky Wedding Day Queenie & Jacky Wedding 好開心可以參與你地既Wedding 俾機會我地去The Helena May 影相 當日令我最記得既Moment 係 大約係送完客既時間 Jacky 突然走黎多謝我地Team,之後BigHug 我(個一下其實我呆左,但係非常感動既) 交代返小小背景先:) Jacky 係一個有潔癖既人,聞說佢唔會隨意掂周圍既野,但佢竟然Bighug 我(其實我做完全日野我都覺得自己好臭) 感恩遇上鍾意我地既客人,祝你地幸福 By Jeff --------------------------------- www.thehourgallery.com   Photographer: Jeff @thehourgallery Videographer: JournalBookWeddings Makeup Artist: YoYo Yip Make up Wedding Dress: AbanaBridal Florist: Lemongrass Wedding Floral & Accessories Decor: ROMANCE Wedding Venue: The Helena May      ...

Wedding Day Photos of Prima and Sammy – Four Seasons Hotel

終於都又執完Prima同Sammy d highlight, o個日真係影得好開心,o係華富村幫佢地影左d好有紀念價值既相,我相信好多年後望返d相都會回憶返o個日發生既一點一滴。Prima同Sammy都擺左好多心機o係個wedding度,你見到d detail 位做得好足,而且兩位都係感性人,真係影到好多好正既moment,希望你地都鐘意d相! Photos by The Hour Gallery Makeup by Sandy Wong at MerryMarry Makeup Video by GiveFunLa Civil Celebrant: Anthony Lam Harp by The Euphonious Venue: Four Seasons Hotel ...