Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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Doris N Jay PreWedding

第一次影行山主題既PreWedding 感覺好新鮮好正 行毅行者而識到現在既另一半真係少D 毅力都未必做到 女方聲稱係大帽山之神撞邪 (AKA 感情萌芽)唔係唔上返黎大帽山影呀一去到已經係咁Load 左個廣告出黎行山黎講最緊要係咩 收到收唔到 唔係講彩數呀 影相當日燃點返我當年既行山跑山既片段而最Sad 既係我地永遠都係全男團係"全""男""班"!!!!! ---------------- www.instagram.com/thehourgallery www.thehourgallery.comhttps://mewe.com/p/thehourgallery ...

Eva N Leong PreWedding

記得Eva 搵我地既時侯 好簡單話影得靚就得 同埋想要呢個色Tone (其實我地好接受呢樣野)有睇開我地既我地都無特定既Tone 其它既就交俾你啦 ---------------------www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgalleryMakeupandhairdo: Cherry @ Glamzor.makeup studio ...

Christina N Hung PreWedding

Ballet PreWedding 都真係第一次影通常Meeting既時候我地都會問客人你地有無咩特別野想影下Christina 同我地講我想影Ballet 不過我男朋友完全唔識的難我地唔到既 我地可以一齊搵下Ref 呀 好Enjoy 同客人一齊夾一個Shooting 一個屬於你地既PreWedding 跳Ballet 真係好優美跳Ballet 真係好優美跳Ballet 真係好優美重要既事情所以要講 3 次呀 —————————- www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgallery Makeupandhairdo: Cherry @glamzormakeup ...

Kelly N TF Okinawa PreWedding

Overseas 既PreWedding 我地一直都有做Private Booking去到一個無人識我地嘅地方拋開係香港既煩惱唔好再理公司既Email 同 Call (到今時今日更加掛住可以飛既日子)投入咁玩一日其實都真係好爽 今次我地黎度沖繩影影影 夜晚仲可以玩滴滴金開心 —————————- www.thehourgallery.comwww.instagram.com/thehourgallery Makeupandhairdo: Cherry @glamzormakeup ...