Jeff, founder of The Hour Gallery is an extremely passionate photographer who is not afraid of making daring new attempts on new styles and projects. He always yearns to present unique concepts in bringing out the personality of the subjects. He is also a light hearted, humorous and friendly photographer, capturing the genuine emotions.
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The Hour Gallery > Posts tagged "glamzormakeup" (Page 2)

Cathy N Patrick PreWedding

Cathy N Patrick同第一次同Cathy 見面係係之前客人Wedding 做伴娘好開心佢地會一樣揀我地做你地Prewedding 同埋Wedding Day Photog佢地話想影D HomeFeel 既相我地當然無問題啦:)我地從來唔會定格只影一類既相 只要你有Idea 我地又做到一齊構思一輯相其實好正我地黎緊Bigday 見啦:)By Jeff --------------www.thehourgallery.comMakeupandhairdo: Cherry @Glamzor.Makeup.Studio ...

Ming N Leo PreWedding

Ming N Leo PreWedding 一對好得意既Couple 記得佢地係Join 我地個陣時講左一句Ming" 其實我地睇左好多間架啦, 不過睇完你地D 相既時候,就係你地" 當日玩得好開心我自己都好鍾意D 相呀:) Thank For Having Me !!!By Jeff Wedding Gown: 1.618 Couture & BridalMakeupandHairDo: Cherry @ Glamzor.makeup studioPhotog: Thehourgallery ...